Sunday, January 30, 2011

...things that make me happy

via: ...etc

Quiet cuddly moments. We generally start the night off with a good snuggle, but we both sleep on our sides. I on my right side and him on his left. So the end result is our backs to each other. But every so often (more often than not), he pulls me in close in the middle of the night and its the best feeling of happiness. It's the "hey... I'm here" snuggle. It's not long before we part our ways again and he goes to the left, but for that brief moment... all is well.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Stephie

Yesterday we celebrated Stephie's birthday.. and it was an absolute blast. We sang like American Idol rejects, danced liked no one was watching and laughed like hyenas. It was the definition of awesome.

view all pics here...                                      
Steph Bday 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day

It's really days like this that make me hate Winter. As a kid I lived for snow days... but now it's just ruining my vacation days and my back from all the shoveling. This is the seventh storm we've had this Winter and I'm over it.

Dear Winter, I'm officially over you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fab's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my lil one... Fabiola. Happy 20th!

@ Arirang 

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Almost Name(s)

My almost name was supposed to be Erika. My daddy's name is Eric and he deemed it really original that my name be Erika. The request didn't fly well with mommy dearest, so they came up with Erline. Er (Eric) + line (Eveline) = Erline. Now... in Haiti your first name doesn't really matter and everyone calls you by your middle name... so it was decided my middle name would be Erline.

The twist... my mom's best friend (Rose-Marie) was having trouble having children and always wanted a baby girl. So in clear bestie fashion, she gave me her first name (it didn't really matter anyway, everyone would call me Erline. The wonderful concoction she and her husband came up with).

Fast forward six years later. I'm transported to the U S of A and get to this fine institution called public school and everyone is calling me Rose.

Almost names are absolutely awesome. It gives me a chance to sit at work and daydream about my maybe-life as Erika or even Erline. But oh how I loved my Rose Erline Etienne life and even better my Rose Etienne Horsford life :).

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ray LaMontagne

Last night I actually watched commercials (DVR has me so spoiled) and the Traveler's commercial came on with the dog and his precious bone. Anyhew, I was mesmerized by the song and am now in love with the voice of Ray LaMontagne.

The best cover I've heard in a very long time.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Email Hoarder

One thing I missed on my "TO DO LIST" was to save more money, which goes without saying. So for the last 15 minutes, I just went through my email and unsubscribed to every store, magazine, and franchise I was subscribed to. I'm pretty sure I missed some, but I'll unsubscribe as they come along. Plus this will help in keeping my email clean :). I'm going to attempt to keep only 25 items or less in my inbox at a time. If it reaches 25, then its delete/archive time. I'm such an email hoarder.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year, New Beginning

So in the beginning of the year we made a list of things that we wanted to do this year. I was reluctant to call them resolutions because resolutions are made to not be accomplished. Hopefully actually writing this down will remind me that I want to do this.. so DO IT! In the midst of my excitement of my list, I made Jesse make a list too.

2011 To Do:

  1. Find more volunteering opportunities
  2. Take a road trip with with no predetermined destination
  3. Exercise regularly. Get on some type of schedule.
  4. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  5. Run a mini marathon
  6. Get a DSLR camera (And take/print more pictures)
  8. Learn how to Sew. And SEW.
  9. Do not press Snooze.
  10. Complete at least 10 DIY projects
  11. Call a family/friend member every Sunday (I'm horrible with keeping in contact)
Jesse's List:
  1. Go to Texas
  2. Visit Florida
  3. Tile basement floor
  4. Set-up basement
  5. Power-wash/refurnish deck
  6. Be halfway done with Master's program
  7. Get the concrete in front of the driveway fixed
  8. Go to the gym 3 times per week
  9. Buy new Grill
  10. More sexy times
Oh how totally different our lists are.

On another note... today is the one year anniversary of the tragic earthquake that happened last year in Haiti. Blessedfully (sic),  none of my immediate family were hurt, but many were and are still affected by the damage. Times like these that remind me of how much I love my country, my culture, my people. We may not be the most organized of countries, but the we have heart and are strong-willed. There's not much that could keep us down and I truly believe that one day our country will be reformed.