Sunday, March 27, 2011

Walk It Off...

I was randomly thinking today about how I used to take such amazing walks around the city on my lunch break. I haven't done so in forever. I must get back to it. The afternoons went by so much smoother after my walks.

Randoms from my walks:
 42nd St 


 34th & Broadway

 Rockefeller Center in the Spring

Rockefeller Center

54th & 6th

30 Rock!

King Tut Expo - 44th St. (Times Square)

Intrepid Museum - Pier 86

Roseland Ballroom

Parrots on 44th St.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Entourage

The Key players:

The Diva - age 8
While getting dressed: "Why are your thighs so big?" (she seemed very perplexed by this)

The Free Spirit - age 5
On why she doesn't wear socks: "Its not cold outside"

The Boy Wonder - age 3
While driving home: "Ummm.. did you know that yellow light means slow down"
"Your Gas light is ON... that means you don't have any gas, that means its on E"
"There goes a gas station... we should stop and get gas"

(pics from St. Patty's Parade)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Within the last forty-eight hours or so I've felt a sense of anxiety, anticipation, contentment, understanding, nervousness, melancholy, hopefulness, elation, longing... all jumbled up into one. Its been [insert understatement here].

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bus Ride Blues

On my bus ride home today, I sat next to a girl that cried the whole bus ride to her stop. I wanted so badly to ask her if she was alright, tell her its going to be ok, or just give her a hug, shoulder to lean on, hand to hold. However, she had her iPod on high, stared out her window seat, and paid no type of attention to me. (days like these, I hate modern technology.. its like the plague to social interaction... but that's a whole separate issue). The ironic part about all of this is moments before I got on the bus, I received some fairly unsettling news. I too had a bad case of the sads and wouldn't have mind baring my soul to a perfect stranger (I think). Instead, I too put my music on high, closed my eyes, and pretended I didn't notice. 

Dear anonymous girl on bus,
I truly hope everything is ok. As for me, I'll be alright. Just not tonight.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Big Day

"One day can make your life. One day can ruin your life. All life is, is four or five big days that change everything."
- Riding in Cars with Boys

I'm in the process of getting myself ready for a very intense week. I'm already emotionally exhausted.
