Sunday, February 6, 2011

To Do...

It's February and I've made no type of headway with my original to do list. I'm going to do the responsible thing and blame it on how bad the weather's been [because its been horrible]. I'm seriously suffering from the worst case of cabin fever.

Although I haven't done a thing on my original list, I have managed to add more things to the list :)

1. Get a Library Card! I haven't had one since junior high/high school. [sad] The internet is seriously evil.

2. Make more memorable videos. I came across some home videos I made during Christmas 2009.. and at the time they were silly... but now, they are priceless. be continued



  1. "me, Manou, Fabiola, Jesse, Pachuko, Ashlee, me, Samantha.... uhhhh, not Samantha."
